The more conventional management of a project – anywhere from Feasibility Studies through Master Planning, Concept, Detailed Design and Documentation to Contract Administration – is, in a Landscape Practice, part and parcel of what we all do as a matter of course. Our practice structure goes some way to describing the breadth and diversity of skill inherent in our staff makeup which goes beyond this. The following information provides detail around how these value-adds enrich our project work.
Core Services
3D visualisations
Aged care Landscapes
Bridge and Boardwalks
Built Form modelling
Cemetery Design
Custom Playground Design
Cultural Engagement
Education section masterplanning & design
Hand rendering
Healing Gardens
Integrated Art Projects
Landscape Health Planning and Design
Landscape project management and superintendent services
Open Space Masterplanning
Revegetation and landscape restoration
Roof top gardens, terraces + podiums
Sports Facility Design
Stakeholder Engagement
Technical Manuals
Trails Planning & Mapping
Urban Design
Urban food production planning
Wetland Design
WSUD & Integrated Water Management
Zoo Exhibit design